Friday, March 6, 2009


- Which one-named Broadway diva is more than a little jealous of her handsome hubby's success? We hear she has some sharp words for his new cast-mates. She's more than a little bitter that she wasn't cast. Too bad the girl playing the part she wanted is over 20 years younger than her. Oops.

- This member of a certain pink Broadway tour isn't really famous yet, though he did a show with a major fan-base before this. Anyway, turns out he enjoys bringing girls back to his hotel room after the show. This wouldn't be a problem if he bothered to check ID. One of his last trysts was only 15. Ouch. 

- Everyone is saying that this up-and-coming diva is on the brink of major success, and it's probably true. She should probably get her drug addiction under control before she hits the big time though. She once got so desperate for her fix that she asked some groupies at the stage door to buy for her. 

- What hard-up-for work actor (who has gone from a flop in a record store to one on the football field) got a day job at a pizza place? You used to be able to find him serving pies on 47th and Broadway when he wasn't getting callbacks.

We wish we could name names, but sometimes the gossip is just too good and the backlash is just too much, these shouldn't be TOO hard to figure out though.




  1. I can name one lol

  2. I know the first one and let me just say it's about damn time her husband get's out of her shadow he's so talented he deserves this and his wife should stop being a diva she steals his spot light all the time and as much as I love both of them...she needs to step back and let him "Shine Like The Sun"
